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Beyond Beef for Sale in Lincoln Ne

The following farms and ranches have certified that they meet Eatwild's criteria for producing grassfed meat, eggs and dairy products. Contact them directly for additional information or to buy their products:

The Anoka-Butte Lumber Company – Marlowe Farm's is a small grass based farm located in the hills of Northern Nebraska. The Anoka-Butte Lumber Company was owned and operated by my family from 1936-1993. I am in the process of resurrecting it. Hogs and cattle were a part the family business.

I moved onto this farm in August of 2003. I raise cattle, sheep and pigs. All animals are raised on pasture. Cattle and sheep are fed exclusively grass and a limited amount of hay in the winter months. The cows, sheep and pigs are rotated through a series of paddocks. The pigs are fed varying amounts of grain depending on class. Sows and gilts graze/forage for the bulk of their diet with some corn fed as an energy supplement and to keep them docile. Growing pigs are fed a ground corn/soybean ration. Low-grain pork and No-grain pork are available upon request.

By keeping livestock in the pastures manure is spread evenly across the ground. What manure is collected around the barns is spread on my poorest ground. I'm hoping the application of manure to my poorest ground will in time make it some of my best ground.

At this time I only have pork available for sale. I do ship.

Anoka-Butte Lumber Company - Marlowe Farm's, Christopher A. Marlowe, 48412 907 Road, Butte, NE 68722. (402) 775-5000.
E-mail: Website: Facebook: htpps://


Boettcher Organics is nestled in the center of the Sandhills of Nebraska, where nutrient rich grass is abundant, water flows freely from the Ogallala Aquifer, and cattle are free to roam in wide-open spaces. We provide certified organic grass-fed beef—beef in its purest form.

We are committed to providing consumers with beef which can positively impact their overall well-being while preserving the environment of the Nebraska Sandhills. We are certified organic by the Ohio Ecological Food & Farm Association.

Please visit our website for more information.

Boettcher Organics, Bruce Boettcher or Amy Schaffer, 87061 Edgewater Avenue, Bassett, Nebraska. (402) 244-5348.
E-mail: Website:

Clear Creek Organic Farm is located in central Nebraska and has been in our family for the last 125 years. We offer a wide range of organically raised products such as 100% grass-fed beef, 100% grass-fed dairy products, soy-free pork, and organic vegetables.

Although we are not certified organic, we follow all the organic practices in everything we do on our farm. What got us started was our 100% grass-fed dairy herd of mainly Jersey and Guernsey dairy cows. From them we have our raw milk, variety of cheeses, butter and occasional ice cream, all made right here on our farm in our state-inspected processing facilities. We also have our Murray Grey beef herd that we are expanding. It is 100% grass-fed as well for all your beef cuts. For pork we have heritage breeds that are 100% soy-free.

We recently added a meat processing locker to our farm so we can process our beef and pork right here on the farm. This leads to better tasting and better quality meat because the animal is not stressed out from being transported. It is also open for other farmers/ranchers to have their animals processed here and for hunters during deer season.

Then we have our garden, which we have diligently worked on over the past year to build back the life in the soil, helping make our vegetables more nutrient dense. We do not use any pesticides or herbicides in our garden. We use most of the by-products from our cheese and meat plants to benefit our farm and products.

There are many ways to get some of our delicious products. Check out our website or reach out to find out how we can get them to you.

Clear Creek Organic Farm, Bob/Kristine Bernt, 49878 822nd Road, Spalding NE 68665. 308-750-1086.
E-mail: Website: Facebook: Clear Creek Organic Farm.

Diamond Down Ranch is a Certified Organic Ranch through MOSA. We use nature as our guide and are passionate about raising our livestock and grains with the highest quality nature has to offer!

Our livestock are raised organically but not certified organic. They include grass fed beef (longhorn and crossbreds), pork, goats (meat and dairy), ducks, and chickens. Will be adding sheep soon.

Products certified organic: Pasture, hay (small squares and rounds), corn, soybeans, rye, wheat, oats, barley, vetch, etc.

Miscellaneous items we sell: Sea 90 (sea salt for livestock, fertilizers, and human consumption); Soil Secrets (soil conditioners, mycorrhizal products, organic fertilizers, bio-stimulants and enzymes); Powerflex fencing, batch latches, etc.; Medi Dart pasture cattle treatment equipment (less stress!); Small square straw bales.

Diamond Down Ranch, Kerry and Deb Kopecky, 49070 888th Road, O'Neill, NE 68763. (402) 336-7008 or (402) 336-7841.
E-mail: Website:

DS Family Farm raises healthy, grass-based poultry (chicken) and beef for your family.

Located just west of Lincoln, Nebraska.

Animal Welfare Approved and Certified Grassfed by A Greener World, we raise "pasture-grazed beef," with no grains and no GMO forages. Our free-range beef are never confined to a feedlot. Cattle spend their entire lives on tallgrass prairie and woodland pastures. Beef harvested from our tallgrass native prairies has been tested and displays an omega 6 to omega 3 ratio of approx. 1.7:1.

Herd movement mimics nature's process of soil and prairie regeneration (regenerative agriculture). Cattle always have access to fresh grass in a continuous planned motion across our pastures. Fresh pasture results in healthy animals and allow us to raise cattle without antibiotics or vaccines. We do not treat our cattle with supplemental hormones or any kind of pour-on pesticides. No broadcast chemical-based fertilizers, pesticides, or herbicides are used on our pastures.

Poultry are raised using Joel Salatin portable shelter method and fed locally sourced, non-GMO grains. Our poultry feed is free of soy and corn. You simply must try our NO SOY, NO CORN pastured poultry. The taste is amazing.

Beef and poultry are harvested from actively growing native prairies and processed locally. E-mail or call for specialty products and availability of custom beef and poultry orders.

Delivered to your home in the Lincoln – Seward Nebraska area. Products are also available on the Nebraska Food Coop (online farmers market) or pick up at the farm.

Healthy soils and healthy prairies result in healthy animals for you, your family, and our community. Let us know about your need for clean food.

Visit us online through our website/blog, Facebook, or Instagram. You will get a feel for our farm, animals, and production methods. Contact us for a farm visit to see the animals in motion!

DS Family Farm, Doug & Sheila Garrison, 13550 W US Highway 34, Malcolm, NE 68402. (402) 796-2208.
E-mail: . Website: FaceBook: . Instagram: Twitter: @DSFamilyFarm.

The Grain Place, Inc. offers beef from animals that have been raised exclusively on pasture or have been finished on grain for 30, 60 or 90 days. You get to choose.

All orders must be placed by June 15th. The meat is available in split halves, halves, or whole beef. (The Grain Place is also a supplier of organic grains.)

The Grain Place, Inc. Michael R. Herman, 1904 N Highway 14, Marquette NE 68854. (402) 854-3195.

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L & L Jacobsen Farm is located in Hamilton County, Nebraska. We raise beef on our quality soils and abundant underground water, which allows us to maintain forage quality and performance during dry periods. We use a blend of cool season grasses and legumes on our pastures. We do not use implants or other artificial hormones, do not use antibiotics on our grass finished animals, and do not feed grain or grain by-products nor animal by-products.

We are not certified organic, however we have not used commercial fertilizers for 2 years on our grass finishing pasture, and do not use herbicides on our pastures. We also are in the commercial hay business, which gives us a consistent source of quality alfalfa and other hays. We do not grow GMO alfalfa or feed GMOs.

Our beef is available year around but we would need up to 8 weeks to accommodate special cutting instructions. It is available by the individual cut, or by quarters, half or whole beef. Our beef is processed in a USDA inspected plant and is vacuum packed for improved shelf life.

We can ship via UPS. We also sell through The Nebraska Food Coop and at the Village Pointe Mall Farmers Market in Omaha NE. It can also be picked up at our farm.

L & L Jacobsen Farm, Luke and Lori, 2204 North R Road, Marquette NE 68854. (402) 854-3104.
E-mail: Website:

Mentink Family Farms has been growing beyond-organic food for our family since 2008. We currently have grass-finished lamb, pastured eggs, pastured broiler chickens, and heritage pasture-raised pork available. We are growing our grass-finished beef and raw milk, treatment-free honey, fruits and vegetables, and ancient grain production; Lord willing, we plan to provide these in the near future. We are just starting to ship out.

Our farm got started after I struggled to find the quality products I desired. I had also learned about the fraud and deceitful labeling laws in the organic industry. I was convinced that the only way to know what we were eating was to grow most of it ourselves. As people saw this and tasted the difference, we had many requests to grow things for them. This is how our business developed.
We are passionate and excited about the health benefits we have witnessed in our family and customers!

We are not certified organic but go beyond certification recommendations. We are transparent in everything we do and avoid GMOs, soy, hormones, chemical dewormers and fertilizers, herbicides, and pesticides, even on our yard. We use compost and rotational grazing to build our soil. We use free choice Thorvin Kelp, Redmonds salt, organic apple cider vinegar, and food-grade diatomaceous earth to improve animal health.

We love to answer questions about our farming practices and welcome visits to our farm. We have a lot of information on our website and strongly encourage you to sign up for our monthly newsletter for the most up to date information and to be the first to know about product availability.

Mentink Family Farms, Cory and Angie Mentink, 12574 P Road, Stromsburg, NE 68666. 402-764-2212.
Email: Website:

Nebraska Natural Meats is a cooperative of eight farmers from northeast Nebraska who work together to provide a year-round supply of hormone-free, naturally-fed beef, chicken, duck, pork, and buffalo.

Our beef and buffalo meats are naturally lean because the animals are raised on a high-protein grass diet, and they get plenty of exercise while grazing. Some of the cattle are finished on a small amount of grain and all the buffalo are raised on grass only. You can request grass-only beef if that is your preference. Meat from animals raised on organically certified pasture is also available.

Buffalo (bison), beef and pork are available year round. Lamb and poultry are sold in season only. The beef and pork are available in whole, half or split half carcasses. Once your order is placed, the animal will be delivered to an agreed upon processing facility and your meat will be cut and wrapped to your specifications. All of the meat is handled in accordance with state and federal regulations. Prices are competitive with grocery store prices.

Nebraska Natural Meats, Betty Henzler, Route 1, Box 180, Pierce NE 68767. (402) 329-4277.

Oak View Park — Naturally Grass Fed and Grass Fattened Red Angus Beef. Oak View Beef is all natural, grass fed and grass fattened beef. We administer no hormones, feed no antibiotics or animal by-products.

We sell beef by the quarter, half, whole carcass, or cut and wrapped in a USDA inspected locker. Arrangements can be made for local delivery of the meat. If you're located in the vicinity of northeast Nebraska we will also deliver a fattened beef to a locker of your choosing for processing. We strongly believe in eating local and do not ship across country. We sell hamburger retail off the ranch.

Oak View Park is located on the eastern edge of the Nebraska Sandhills north of Orchard, NE. Our small ranch is entirely grass, sprinkled with cedar trees and oak covered creek bottoms. We move the cattle daily, weekly or monthly depending upon the range management goals. Fresh water is always available so the cattle can be healthy in a low-stress environment.

No synthetic insecticides, pesticides, fungicides or herbicides are applied anywhere on our place. We use organic and conventional fertilizers. Conventional fertilizers speed up rehabilitation of the land. Fertility is gradually being restored to soil that was mined out by conventional farming in the early 1900s. Our goal is to be naturally sustainable, eventually transforming the ranch to an organic enterprise.

Oak View Park, Dave Hansen, 51193 875 Road, Orchard NE 68764. (402) 655-2245.
E-mail: Website:

Paradise Prairie is a small family farm located a few short miles west of Lincoln, NE in Lancaster County.

Beef is not available at this time, but we still have berries:

Aronia Berries – Having an interest in healthy, healing foods, we planted 400 aronia bushes in 2006. Un-irrigated, but untreated as well, we have an established "orchard" of berries. The aronia berries are available frozen, as liquid concentrate and in blends of organic tea. Please check our facebook page for tea selections. Aronia Berry Harvest is usually from late August to mid-September. You can come and pick your own during harvest if you schedule a time. Contact us for current pricing.

Because of our small operation, products vary in availability. Please call or email for pricing. Pickup of products is available in Lincoln, Nebraska. We can ship tea.

Paradise Prairie, Charlotte Ralston, Lincoln NE 68528. (402) 890-7277.
E-mail: Facebook:

The Perfect "10" Buffalo Ranch has 5,000 acres of certified organic prairie grasses sustaining a herd of 800 grass-finished bison. The ranch is large enough to allow the bison to roam at will on native prairie grasses, and the herd size is sufficient to recreate the natural social order of the animals. The end result is a low stress, healthy environment similar to the open plains of hundreds of years ago.

The Hutchinsons offer their "Tatonka Gourmet Bison" in quarters, halves, and whole animals. Individual cuts, 20# packages, and summer sausage are also available. The meat can be shipped UPS anywhere in the United States. New: bison jerky in five different varieties is now available for sale as well!

The meat is sold in Lincoln, Nebraska at the Ideal Grocery, Aikin's Health Food Store, and Open Harvest. (The meat is distributed to other retail stores throughout the area by Pegler-Sysco Distributors.)

Perfect "10" Buffalo Ranch, Dave Hutchinson, HC 75 Box 146, Rose NE 68772. (402) 273-4574. Cell: (402) 760-1323.

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Prairie Opal Ranch was started with 11 Angus, 18 Longhorns, and 2 bulls. We currently raise AGA-certified grass-fed beef, fresh pastured chicken and turkey, and free-range farm eggs. We have chicken and duck eggs currently available. All products are non-soy and non-GMO.


AVAILABLE IN SPRING 2022 – Pastured Pork!

We knew from the start that we wanted to be different than most, so we started brainstorming and setting our mindsets to becoming a ranch that would stand out and be distinct. The decisions we made then, and are still making today, have had a huge impact on our life, our animals, and our customers.

Currently, we manage 100+ head of cattle that cross-graze approximately 1,900 acres of grassland pastures. We practice regenerative farming and ranching for grass-eating animals. We want to mimic how animals lived in the wild before industrialized ranching took hold. We aim to boost microbial activity, carbon retention and water infiltration in soil. We practice sustainability by implementing managed grazing programs. We rotational graze our beef, chickens, and turkey. We are building wildlife friendly habitats, and bringing in beneficial insects, plants, and different animal species.

We love knowing where our food has come from and how our animals are treated and raised. We take pride in knowing our animals are well cared for and happy. Loved animals equal happy customers.

The future is bright here at Prairie Opal Ranch and we hope you will join us on our journey. We look forward to sharing our fresh products with you.

Prairie Opal Ranch, Matt or Tanya Schlepp, Wray, CO. 80758. 719-343-0070 (Matt) or 719-343-3111 (Tanya).
E-mail: Website:

PrairieSun Organic Farm is located in Clay County, SD, and Certified Organic by MOSA. We focus on pasture-raised livestock that result in high quality meat and eggs. We raise pastured poultry, greenhouse vegetables, row crops, pastured pork, and fresh eggs.

We have been marketing and distributing pastured meats since 2008. We process our chickens on-farm in our certified organic semi-portable processing plant.

PrairieSun Organic Farm, Angela and Glenn, 46516 316th Street, Vermillion, SD 57069. (605) 638-0748.
E-mail: Website:

We are Primal Plains, a grassfed beef producer shipping beef straight from our ranch to your door. Our mission is simple: "To inspire healthier, happier lives by introducing people to real food."

We are located in the sandhills of Nebraska and South Dakota. Our family has been on this ranch since it was homesteaded in 1885. In that time, many things have changed but one thing that stays consistent is our incredibly high standard for the beef we produce!

What We Do and Why: We want our family to eat the most healthy, nutritious, and delicious beef out there. We assume you do too. That's why our beef is hormone, chemical, and antibiotic free. It's also grassfed, grass finished, and humanely treated. We care so much about this we even certified the ranch organic! We are constantly striving to excel, for the cattle, the land, and you!

Please visit our website to see all our selections.

Primal Plains, Jason, 1023 East Main Street, Martin, SD 57551.
E-mail: Website: Facebook:

Seifer Farms All Natural Pasture Poultry don't do drugs. If you're hankerin' for delicious, farm fresh fried chicken just like Grandma used to make, you've got to start with the best chicken available. The best chicken available is a Seifer Farms All Natural Pasture Raised chicken.

Seifer chickens are fed the finest, most nutritionally complete food we can get. This diet, coupled with fresh air, sunshine and free range exercise (there are no fences around these chickens, they are truly free range) is an essential part of raising our healthy chickens. All this clean living pays off in better flavor and food value.

The chickens are processed on the farm in a USDA Inspected Custom Exempt facility and can be picked up the day of butchering or fresh frozen for pickup at a later date.

Seifer Farms has 3 delivery routes in Southwest, and Western Nebraska. We also sell at the local farmers market in North Platte, NE starting in July, every Saturday from 8 AM till Noon.

The chickens are marketed whole, cutup, whole breasts, leg quarters, thighs, wings, and giblet packages.

You may order these chickens by calling Irene Seifer at (308) 386-2390.

Seifer Farms, Ray Seifer, 1442 S Seifer Road, Sutherland NE 69165. (308) 386-2390.
E-mail: Website:

Straight Arrow Bison Ranch of Broken Bow, NE is located in the heart of the state's grasslands. We have been raising and marketing bison meat since 1995.

In 1995 when we started raising bison we followed the conventional pattern of feeding grain to finish the bison. After reading the information on and other sources about the benefits of total grass-feeding, we began marketing a few bison which were 100% grass-finished. After receiving favorable responses from our customers, we converted to 100% grass-feeding for all of them. AGA-logo-bison

Our animals do not receive any vaccinations, hormones, animal by-products, or antibiotics. We add apple cider vinegar to their water supply to keep them healthy and have had no need for other treatments since we started that. We believe in feeding the microbes in the soil to produce healthy animals which will nourish healthy people.

The animals are field-harvested to prevent stress prior to slaughter. They are shot and bled in the pasture, then dressed out in a state-inspected on-farm facility. The hanging quarters are transported by refrigerated truck to a USDA facility for packaging. The meat is sold by individual packages (steaks, roasts, stew meat, hamburger, summer sausage, hot dogs, jerky) or in bundles of various size.

We make monthly deliveries to Grand Island, Kearney, North Platte and McCook as well as having the meat available at our ranch. The meat is also available from Lone Tree Foods in the Lincoln/Omaha area and at Wildflour Grocer in O'Neill, NE. We can also ship by UPS.

We have freeze-dried raw organ meat pieces for dogs or cats; all the nutrition of raw with the convenience of dry food. We are also experimenting with freeze-dried bone broth.

Bleached skulls, tanned hides and a few other items such as vests and purses from hides are also available.

Straight Arrow Bison Ranch, Marty and Karen Bredthauer, 79330 Sumner Road, Broken Bow, NE 68822. (308) 872-3066. Texts may be sent to (308) 870-4045 or (308) 870-3537.
E-mail: Website:

Thankful Harvest is a grass-based, organic farm applying organic management for the benefit of the consumer, the environment, the animals and the farm. If you grew your own food, we believe you would do it like we do. We supply 100% grass-finished beef; 100% grass-finished lamb; organic, pastured, free-range poultry (chicken and turkey); and organic, non-soy farmstead eggs.

We feed our crops minerals based on detailed soil testing so that the crops are able to put more nutrition into what the animals and the consumers eat. If the minerals are not in the soil, they cannot make it to the table. We feed our chickens organic flax which is shown to increase beneficial fatty acids in the eggs. We strive to deliver maximum human nutrition to your family's table.

We deliver to homes, food coops, and buying clubs in Iowa, Nebraska, and South Dakota. We also ship nationwide via appropriate shipping options.

Thankful Harvest's Tenderheart Beef, Tom and Kristi German, 5139 210th St, Holstein IA 51025-8061. (712) 830-3281.
E-mail: Website:

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Page updated 4/11/2022.

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